Assigned Risk Solutions FAQs
How do agents submit business?
Agents should continue to submit an ACORD application through the Assigned Risk Pool. Once they do so, a carrier will be assigned by the Plan Administrator.
How do agents submit an endorsement request?
Please email [email protected] for the change request and we will address them as promptly as possible.
How do agents access loss runs for my customers?
Please email [email protected] for loss run requests. We appreciate your patience as we respond to requests in the order they were received.
How does the outage impact unit stat filings and revisions?
We have processed the majority of unit stat reports on policies effective through March.
When will agent commission payments be distributed?
We understand and value the importance of commission payments for our agent partners. Commissions are being processed with a slight delay, but will be sent within a week of usual process time.
How do customers report a claim?
Call 866-221-9640 or send us an email via [email protected] along with any documents related to the First Report of Injury.
How do injured workers contact their adjuster?
If an injured worker has not yet been contacted by an adjustor and given a phone number, you can call 866-221-9640 to request it or send us an email via [email protected] and it will be provided to you.
Are indemnity and medical payments being made?
Indemnity payments to injured workers are no longer impacted, and should be sent on schedule going forward.
When will online claim reporting be back up and running?
Our public website was recently relaunched, and customer portals will be following soon. When those become available, online claim reporting will be included in that relaunch.
Where should payments be sent?
Online payments can now be made by policyholders through our secure portal at You will need a registered account for this option. If you previously had a portal account, an initial password reset is required to regain access. Phone payments are also available by calling our main number 866-221-9640 and select option 3.
Checks may also be mailed to our lockbox at the following address:
Assigned Risk Solutions
Accident Fund Insurance Company of America
P.O. 734671
Chicago, IL 60673-4671
How do policyholders know if payments have been received?
Portal account holders can validate receipt of payment through their account in our secure portal. They can also check their bank statement to validate the check was cashed or email [email protected] to confirm receipt
My policy was delinquent prior to your system outage. Will it cancel?
If a ‘Notice of Cancellation’ was received prior to the system outage, cancellation will be effective on the specified date, unless payment has been received. A 30-day grace period has been provided to make payment for any premium which was not delinquent prior to the system outage.
How will policies be reinstated if a Notice of Cancellation (NOC) was sent prior to the outage?
The policy services team will need to get a no known loss letter (NKLL) and confirm that the payment was sent to the lockbox in conversation with the agent. Reinstatement will happen once the system is back up and all the boxes are checked, there were no claims reported during the cancellation period, payment that was required by the cancellation notice was received in the lockbox and the NKLL is in hand. The team will ensure that each reinstatement request is within the NCCI and state required timeframes.
Are customers on monthly self-reporting payment plans able to report payroll?
Yes. Payroll can continue to be reported via [email protected]. Customers will be invoiced when our systems are restored.
Should payments be made if no invoice was received?
If you do not have an invoice but would like to make a payment you may proceed with the payment if you know the amount due. Please include your policy number on the check so we can apply it to the correct account. If you prefer to wait for an invoice, you will have 30 days to pay.
Once the systems have been restored, what bill date will show on the invoice that should have already generated?
An additional catch-up invoice has been sent recently. The invoice contains a new bill date and due date which should be followed to ensure your payment is applied timely to your account.
If a customer is owed a refund, when will they receive it?
Refunds are being processed as a priority.
How do customers know if an audit has been processed and/or the status of an audit dispute?
While audits may still be conducted in the field, there is a delay in processing the audits at this time. However, any dispute paperwork or audit paperwork that has been submitted has been received and is under review to be processed in a timely manner. Please continue to submit audit documentation as normal for review.